Page name: Given Anthro Contest 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-12-30 06:36:45
Last author: Kahri
Owner: Kahri
# of watchers: 12
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Deadline is now 10 entries

If there is more (or less) interest, I may increase (or decrease) this number

Here we go again!

This is a contest where I, [Kahri], will give you, the artist, a description and/or picture of an animal and it is up to YOU to draw, paint or photoshop it as an anthro.

I will be the primary judge but if there are a lot of entries I will enlist the help of others. The prize for first place is an unofficial badge made from your entry. There will be a second and third place badge as well providing there are enough entries.



This yearling colt is spirited and outgoing. He is very friendly and companionable but there is also a wild side to him that will never be tamed.

Can you draw him?



1. Up to two entries per person.
2. I allow LIMITED artistic nudity.
3. This does not have to be new art but it must be yours and it must match the description of the anthro you are supposed to be doing.
4. Anyone not complying with the rules will be given notice and will have their entry deleted off this page until the entry is fixed.
5. Above your entry, place your username and a name for you anthro. Example...

             1. [Kahri], Dakota

6. Contest deadline is 10 entries
7. All entries must comply with uploading art rules.
8. Have fun and get creative.

Place entries below this line.

1. [BrokenSilence], kai. wee im the first! ...i tried...

2. [Zab] Nathel


3. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] Agrippa. Means "Wild Horse" in Russian, usually a name for both genders.


Username (or number or email):


2007-09-09 [Kahri]: Anyone interested? Anyone? C'mon people, it's a challenging one!

2007-09-13 [SeLoCeS]: ok im goin to sound stupid i know but what is an anthro??

2007-09-14 [Kahri]: You don't sound stupid! I didn't know until a year ago. An anthro is an animal with a human body shape, characteristics and facial expressions. If you want some good examples go to Anthro Lovers or Anthro Pirate Gallery. Those are some very good pages.

2007-09-14 [SeLoCeS]: oh ok sweet lol now i know what you are expectin I will have to think on this one now <(^v^)>

2007-09-14 [Kahri]: Ok!<img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2007-09-21 [Lirerial]: I think I'm gonna give it a try^^

2007-09-22 [Kahri]: Good! I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't have any contestants!

2007-10-05 [BrokenSilence]: Im really busy but it looks like fun ill give it a shot, if it doesnt get finished in time ill still let you see it when im done. one of my werewolves is up on my drawings page if you want Brokens' Drawings

2007-10-05 [Kahri]: Alright. I'll take a look.

2007-10-10 [BrokenSilence]: okie dokie hes done a bit lanky but done lol ill upload him tomarrow block 1 along with the rest of my drawings.

2007-10-11 [Kahri]: Alrighty!

2007-10-11 [BrokenSilence]: sorry its so big i didnt know hot to make it smaller

2007-10-12 [Kahri]: The size is fine. Good job! Just don't forget to name him! (see rule #5).

2007-10-12 [BrokenSilence]: named him kai, n.n

2007-10-12 [Kahri]: Ok

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